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Reflections: Tell a Vision (Television) 

Reflections: Tell a Vision (Television) 

Tele- At, over, from, or to a distance. Television - The process of transmitting scenes or views by converting light rays into electric signals that are transmitted to a receiver that reconverting the signals, reproducing the original image; Television broadcasting as an industry, art, etc. ; Television receiving set; Programmes watched on a television set. Tell- To make known, disclose, to assure emphatically. Vision - The power of seeing; a mental image; something supposedly seen in a dream, trance etc.; (a) the ability to perceive something not actually visible, as through mental acuteness (b) Force of power of imagination [a statesman of great vision].

[Definitions from Collins Pocket Dictionary of the English Language]

In this age and time of the so-called 21st century or soon to be 22nd century, our lives revolve around the advancements of technology. Our lives are to be based upon a gadget smaller than a clutch, but more expensive than an average one. But when it comes to television, it is smaller than we are, but has a huge impact on our lives. It can shrink your world to its size or enlarge it by indulging less in it and doing more.

Television can make you or break you. What we feed our minds and spirits is certainly what we eventually portal or become and what we train our minds to do or be, is what our reality will be like. As a child, one never knows what television really is, even myself. I thought it was just a box with smaller people living in it, just a small box of a better/ bitter world. At that age, most often, in our families, we are unknowingly brainwashed to simultaneously watch certain or sometimes all the television programmes, thinking that we are living better lives than those who do not have those moving people in small boxes or small people in boxes.

Then there came a time when one gained knowledge that not all things that are on television are real nor based on a true story, some are just for a mere entertainment and to curb boredom. But still one continued to watch television, but not as much as before, as some programmes didn't apply to their age and activity eventually shared schedule with this mind-boggling programming.

The programming of the mind is now taken over by the programming of television. Your mind and thoughts now evolve around what happened to Celebrity A and Actor A3, and how wrong or selfish Celebrity K1 was towards the achievements of Celebrity/Actor/Writer/Director no. 21. And there you go..., nothing in your life fits nor occupies your mind space more than the people that you barely know nor even know of your existence.

I'm not implying that one shouldn't watch television, but one should take priority in her/ his own life. Tell visions to their own life and watching them happen as they work towards their own destiny. This reminds me of a movie based on a true story, A Ben Carson Story: Gifted Hands.

Sonya Carson, Ben's mother, had it hard raising two boys on her own. She wasn't well schooled, she once said, “I’m so dumb, I can't even read, and I fear my boys are going to turn out the same way. It was her first day going to her new job, cleaning houses as usual, at a widowed professor who took care of his wife whom was sick and then she eventually died. Sonya took over the cleaning as the professor did everything on his own before he decided to look for accepted helper. Sonya was amazed by the myriad of books that filled the study room from wall to wall. The fact that she found out that professor read almost every book in there triggered a spark in Sonya's mind and spirit that she even started reading whilst working there. 

On the same day of her first day at work, she came back home to find his boys watching television while eating Popcorn. She switched off the set without question or hesitation. The boys were complaining about why she did it. She said, " You boys watch too much of television...", and they denied it. She added, “Don’t worry about everybody else; this whole world is fooled of everybody else. From now on, you're going to pick three, no, two preselected programmes per week." they were astonished about her ultimatum and they thought of it as crazy. She added to that and said, “And that's after you finish your homework.". Ben asked, "what are we going to do with our free time?" she said, " I'm glad you asked, you're going to go to the library and pick out two books and at the end of the week, you're going to hand me a written report about what you read." the boys were more astonished. They asked how they are going to survive without television, she said, “well you're going to start now, why you waste all that time watching the television? If you use that time to [while holding a shoe on her hand] develop your God-given gifts, it wouldn't be long before folks begin to watch you on TV."

Now that is how you tell a vision to a caterpillar before it grows wings to fly out to the real world. It wasn't long before his mid-30s that Benjamin Carson, now Dr Ben Carson, became Chief Pediatric Neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital, unbelievably to himself too. Despite the racial prejudices he faced, struggles and a mere television concern from a concerned mother, turned her to tell a vision, that neither three of them except for God, knew it.

It wasn't long before I knew that television starting to tell me a vision to work on my God-given talents and gifts, as far as what was portrayed and said didn't appeal to me (except for the current affairs and relevant informative programmes), the story began.

I tell a vision of a cub that was a breed of a leopard and a lion. It was never told to go beyond the bushed and over the thickest of the tree branches. However it taught itself from the wisdom view from the thinnest branch, fallen, the beyond of the bushes and ventured to destiny, not because it was not believed that there was no life beyond the bushes, but the visions on wisdom skipped generations and found a soul, spirit with a vein thick enough to endure beyond limits. 

Be one with your life before that of others. The reflections of yourself shall never be determined by that of another or by another of yourself. Even the visions of twins are not the same, for no men of different caliber, uniqueness, and genuineness see eye to eye. 

Tell a vision that television would tell a vision to another. 
Reflect your visions to be told not sold
Detect your passion to be bold not cold
Unfold the five streams of your eye:
The Victor
The Digger
The Host
The Pioneer ™ and
The Gift
For we all have different paths that write with one ink, your soul, from one palm, carries spirit-filled and soulistic psalms from different paths, and reflect to tell a vision. 

- The_Nurturer®


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