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Living Memories– Unforgettable

“Goitsemang Sandra ________, unknown age, died at unknown age, she is survived by her husband, and 5 kids, she was known for her beautiful smile and her words that touched and changed lives of so many. She always strives for generosity and love, may her loving dearest soul rest in peace.”

It begins here. So many people do not appreciate nor recognize someone’s good deeds until their gone. People know about the things you have done for them after your death. Some do not even acknowledge the little things you do for them whilst you are still alive.  We often strive to make a living out of life and tend to forget live a life of living memories.

We are vulnerable to the dis-ease of, “You will never know what you have until it’s gone.” We forget to appreciate the people we meet in life and embrace them to create unforgettable memories. The purpose of life is to love, live, learning and laugh. However, we tend to forget that easily and be blinded by the contraries of the purpose that will lead and create the door to in loving memories.

We forget that God lives in us and us in God. Life is full of adventures and challenges, amidst all we should learn to use God’s word as a shield of faith and as armor. We should remind ourselves to trust in God for everything and in every situation.

Job 19: 25 – 26 says, “I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand on the earth and after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God.” This scripture is clear, it means that we should trust God to allow us to live, through faith, and create memories and touch lives that even when we are still alive, we are remembered and in our death, our legacy continues.

Just in the past year I lost a former college mate in the last months of the year, he was a very lively spirits and an enterprising person. This note came to my mind before his death, but I believe I am writing it now for a purpose. That very Saturday I saw his brand new car on Facebook and I was happy for him, although I did not tell him. Later on, he died in a car accident, but I received the news 3 days later.

But then again this person lived and left living memories before in loving memories took his life away. In my life, I ensure that I capture moments, even the stupid ones that turn out to be the best ever. And he was part of those moments in motion pictures. I did not deal well with his death, but I managed to overcome. So, I wrote him an ode and it reads:


Tears would not stop raining
When I think about you
Stars will not stop shooting
When I recall your spirit
The music will not stop musing
When your laughter reverberates
When your smile mirrors
On the living retentions you left, murals
The birds will not cease tweeting
When they see, you dance up there
I still look at your icons and motion pictures
And see the visions of you
The fire will not stop blazing, even when it rains
Because you were and still are
A born fire around a bonfire
Life did not fall short to seize the moments
But remain in us
In loving memories
© Goitsemang Sandra Mvula, The Nurturer.

This poem brought me back from my subconscious and it already felt as if I am writing a closure, but for me it was an honour. He is never forgotten in the minds and hearts of those he touched, but the face on the earth. He still is a living memory to some of us and a in loving memory to those he left behind.

I was talking to a friend of mine Tom this other day and we were talking about life in general. I had not yet met him then, but we had a conversation as if we knew each for a very long time. I asked him a simple question, “What have I done for you?” he began to tell me words that one says in one’s funeral. He told me that I have touched his life in a way that he no longer does things that he used to do before. He said that I have touched his life to even feel and know that God exists. He even added that he had dreams that ended in dreams, but now he has goals towards them. And that he’ll never forget me, even when I’m not around him.

I asked him the same question a couple of weeks late while we were having a chat about pleasing people. He said, “You ignited that fire that was scorching me to do something with my life. Even if I could lose you tomorrow, but my life I will definitely put on track. You have showed me the light.” His words brought me to humility. And never was I pompous or proud of it, for I know it is my purpose and it reminds me of a scripture.

Proverbs 20: 21, “An inheritance claimed too soon will not blessed at the end.”  This scripture reminds us not to be hasty for our rewards. We should not say that just because you made someone live their life, they should pay you back. No, your turn will come. What is meant for you will come and at the right time.

Living memories are not bought but spent, embraced fully. Life is precious and gold. It is funny how people are brought together to celebrate one’s life during in loving memories but are go astray when one’s golden living memories come to life. However, it is time, God’s time that knows that.

Ecclesiastes 3 verse 8 says, “As no one has power over the wind to contain it, so no one has power over the times of their death. As no one is discharged in the time of war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it.” In loving memories are not known but living memories are known but living memories are.

Living memories are memories a life lives. As Habakkuk 2: 2-3 says, “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time, it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it, it will certainly come and will not delay.”

Do not forget to live and make in living memories. I once read a quote picture, it had no author on it and it wrote, “DON’T FORGET TO LIVE… First, I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then I was dying to marry and have children. And then I was dying for my kids to grow old enough so I could get back to my career, then I was dying to retire and now I am dying and suddenly I forgot how to live.”

Another one said, “Live the life that leaves you overwhelmed with gratitude when you tell your story and inspire those whom you share it.” Show someone the light before they see the light of no turning back, the light after death. Show somebody, yourself, the light and make in living memories from that light.


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