You are cordially invited to celebrate the failure of succeeding of Miss/Mr ______. (S)he has played a significant role in trying to make it in life. (S)he has done so many things that (S)he thought were a success, but failed to succeed.
Either way, this person didn't succeed to fail, but failed to succeed. See in life there is a difference between succeeding to fail and failing to succeed. The person who failed to succeed is the person who tried, regardless of, the demographic/ psychographic / gender / income nor race, to make it in life. This person was one of the people who where there in the beginning of the racetrack, on his marks, ready to go and ventured in the race and didn't make it to win the bronze, silver or gold.
Now, there's a person who succeeds to fail. This person, from the word go, has prophecied failure unto themselves. This person looks down upon him/herself. This person has determined the negative pole of the law of attraction. This person thinks only of failure when new opportunities avail themselves to him /her, not on hi marks, nor ready to go.
These two people in life are called the optimist and the pessimist. However, in the world that we live in, these two people are often confused when situations or challenges arise. When the optimist sets out for an adventure and fails to succeed, he or she is called a failure and when the pessimist sits in for complains and murmurs, he is said to be better off.
Somehow, we are often stereotyped that if you didn't succeed in making it in whatever that you ventured in, you're not worth something. But the worst is that when you don't venture in what you think can make you succeed nd think about what people will say, who, what, when, where and not the how and why you should do it, then you are the same as a closed book, written or unwritten.
You are cordially invited to the celebration of life: to live, to love, to laugh, to fail and succeed, to forgive, to cry, to rejoice, to conquer, to impact, and to live and leave a legacy.
Yours Cordially
The Nurturer